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EA Sports FC: A Review

News, EA Sports FC

EA Sports FC is the upcoming football simulation game developed and published by Electronic Arts. It is the successor to the FIFA series, which has been running for over 26 years. The game is set to be released on 26 September, 2025, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Here is a review of EA Sports FC:


EA Sports FC is a promising new football simulation game that has the potential to be one of the best in the series. It has a lot of new features and improvements, and it is clear that EA Sports has put a lot of time and effort into the game. However, there are a few things that could be improved, such as the graphics and the AI. EA Sports FC boosting is a service that allows players to pay for other players to improve their game. This can be done in a number of ways, such as by having a professional player play on their behalf, or by buying coins or other in-game items.


New features: EA Sports FC has a number of new features, including HyperMotion2 technology, which provides more realistic player movement and animations; a revamped career mode; and a new mode called Ultimate Team Moments, which allows players to relive iconic moments from football history.

Licensing: EA Sports FC has secured the licensing for a number of new leagues and teams, including the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League, and the UEFA Europa Conference League.

Gameplay: The gameplay of EA Sports FC is fast-paced and exciting. The game is also very responsive, and it is easy to control the players.


Graphics: The graphics of EA Sports FC are not as good as some of the other games on the market. The players and the stadiums look a bit dated, and the game could use a visual overhaul.

AI: The AI in EA Sports FC can be a bit hit and miss. The computer-controlled players are sometimes too easy to beat, and they can also make some very stupid mistakes.

Microtransactions: EA Sports FC is sure to have microtransactions, and it is possible that these will be pay-to-win. This could make it difficult for players who do not want to spend money on the game to compete with those who do.

EA Sports FC Coins

EA Sports FC Coins are the in-game currency of EA Sports FC. They can be used to purchase a variety of items, including players, packs, and consumables. Coins can be earned by playing the game, or they can be purchased with real money.

Here are some of the things that you can buy with EA Sports FC Coins:

Players: You can use coins to buy players from the transfer market. The price of a player will vary depending on their rating and their popularity.

Packs: Packs are a great way to get new players for your team. You can buy packs with coins or with FIFA Points.

Consumables: Consumables are items that can be used to improve your players or your team. For example, you can use coins to buy contracts, which extend the length of a player’s contract, or fitness cards, which increase a player’s fitness.

Overall, EA Sports FC Coins are a valuable resource that can be used to improve your team. However, it is important to use them wisely. Do not spend all of your coins on one player, and do not buy packs unless you are sure that you can afford them.

Mots-Clés : EA Sports FC


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  • [Précommande] Uncharted, l’illusion de Drake – Explorer édition

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    Une fois n’est pas coutume, c’est moi qui vous présente notre prochaine pré-commande !

    Même si nous ne jouons pas souvent aux mêmes jeux, la série Uncharted nous met toujours d’accord. C’est souvent le cas avec les bons jeux…

    Prévue pour le 2 Novembre prochain, le frangin vous a parlé il y a quelques temps de ce nouvel opus et plus particulièrement des éditions collectors d’Uncharted. Grand bien lui en a pris puisque nous venons d’être informés du contenu de l’édition Explorer. Édition que nous avons commandé dans la foulée…

    L’édition Explorer contiendra donc :

    • Coffre collector « Trésor » en bois qui peut contenir jusqu’à 19 jeux PS3
    • Édition spéciale d’Uncharted 3 L’Illusion de Drake dans un boitier exclusif imitation « Carnet de Route de Drake »
    • Figurine de Drake
    • Ceinture de Drake
    • Bague de Drake
    • 10 DLC :
      • Skin multijoueur London Drake et arme Pirate AK-47
      • Provocation Upper Cut (pour narguer l’adversaire)
      • Multiplicateur de cash : pour obtenir de l’argent plus vite dans les parties en ligne
      • Pack de décals spéciaux : des décals pour personnaliser les objets de vos avatars
      • Viseur laser pour AK-47
      • Chargeur amélioré pour pistolet PARA-9
      • Chargeur amélioré pour pistolet G-MAL
      • Medal Kickback : Riposte la bête
      • Medal Kickback : Riposte Bombardement intensif
      • Optimisation régénération

    Tout ça, comme dirait notre ami Pierre Bellemare, pour seulement 149,99€. Seulement, seulement… C’est quand même assez conséquent.

    Gageons que la figurine et le coffret en vaillent la peine. Verdict dans un peu plus de deux mois avec un déballage qui s’annonce aussi palpitant que la fin d’Indiana Jones et la dernière croisade.

  • [Déballage Collector] InFamous 2 – Édition Hero

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    Bonjour à tous,

    InFamous 2 est arrivé chez moi, il y a maintenant quelques temps et je vous avais promis de vous donner mes impressions sur cette édition Hero. Il convient donc avec un peu de retard de respecter ma parole et vous dire ce que je pense de ce collector.

    Tout d’abord, la sur-boite est vraiment travaillée. En effet, on trouve d’un côté Cole McGrath en mode Hero dans un ton bleuté, et de l’autre en mode bad guy dans un ton rouge. L’idée est plutôt bonne et reprends un des aspects les plus intéressant du titre. Le carton utilisé est  de bonne qualité, mais un peu trop souple. Par conséquent, il risque de s’abimer avec le temps ou si on n’y prends pas soin. Néanmoins, l’effet est plutôt réussi au final.

    Après vous avoir brièvement donner mes impressions sur la sur-boite et être passé pour un fétichiste des boites en carton, je vais maintenant passer au contenu qui reste tout de même l’essentiel de tout bon collector.

    Le jeu est présent dans son édition spéciale, qui en plus de proposer un boitier holographique (très compliqué à prendre en photo), propose également plusieurs DLC à télécharger insérés ou pas dans une boite en carton joliment illustrée:

    • Le DLC exclusif à l’édition Hero: le crochet éclair, la skin de Kessler, la bande-son originale du jeu.
    • La grenade électrique, la skin InFAMOUS originale de Cole ainsi que l’amplificateur Or.
    • Une réduction de 50 % à valoir sur l’achat du premier épisode de InFAMOUS sur le PSN. Ce bon s’avère donc inutile étant donné que InFAMOUS premier du nom faisait parti des jeux proposés en dédommagement après le black-out du PSN. On saluera quand même cette initiative qui devait être prise de longue date.
    • Un code pour participer à la beta d’Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.

    La statuette de Cole McGrath est plutôt bien emballée (ça change de certains Collector qui arrive en 4 morceaux, mais je reparlerai de tout cela dans un prochain article). Elle est de bonne qualité, bien qu’assez inexpressive au niveau du visage. C’est malheureusement souvent le cas, lorsque l’on s’attelle à reproduire un visage humain.

    La reproduction du sac, que Cole porte durant l’aventure, est d’assez mauvaise qualité (Made in Srilanka). En effet, même si ce sac n’a pas pour usage d’être porté, on sent que la finition laisse clairement à désirer. On constate des fils qui dépassent de certaines coutures et surtout une des attaches en plastique est cassée avant même le déballage.

    Enfin, un comic book en papier glacé de bonne qualité, mais malheureusement entièrement en anglais, est là pour faire le lien entre les deux épisodes de la série.

    Au final, cette édition collector quoique bien fournie pêche clairement par sa finition en deçà de ce qu’on est en droit d’attendre à ce prix (129 €) et également d’un éditeur comme Sony. Il est de mon avis personnel qu’à partir du moment où un collector est produit à grande échelle comme c’est le cas ici, on prends le risque de proposer des produits plus rentables et moins qualitatifs afin d’assurer une marge intéressante. Bon, j’en ai fini de vous ennuyer avec mes théories d’économie à 1 € et je vous conseille de vous jeter sur le jeu qui lui vaut son prix.

    @ bientôt sur « The Gaming Brothers ».

  • EA Sports FC: A Review

    EA Sports FC is the upcoming football simulation game developed and published by Electronic Arts. It is the successor to the FIFA series, which has been running for over 26 years. The game is set to be released on 26 September, 2025, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

    Here is a review of EA Sports FC:


    EA Sports FC is a promising new football simulation game that has the potential to be one of the best in the series. It has a lot of new features and improvements, and it is clear that EA Sports has put a lot of time and effort into the game. However, there are a few things that could be improved, such as the graphics and the AI. EA Sports FC boosting is a service that allows players to pay for other players to improve their game. This can be done in a number of ways, such as by having a professional player play on their behalf, or by buying coins or other in-game items.


    New features: EA Sports FC has a number of new features, including HyperMotion2 technology, which provides more realistic player movement and animations; a revamped career mode; and a new mode called Ultimate Team Moments, which allows players to relive iconic moments from football history.

    Licensing: EA Sports FC has secured the licensing for a number of new leagues and teams, including the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League, and the UEFA Europa Conference League.

    Gameplay: The gameplay of EA Sports FC is fast-paced and exciting. The game is also very responsive, and it is easy to control the players.


    Graphics: The graphics of EA Sports FC are not as good as some of the other games on the market. The players and the stadiums look a bit dated, and the game could use a visual overhaul.

    AI: The AI in EA Sports FC can be a bit hit and miss. The computer-controlled players are sometimes too easy to beat, and they can also make some very stupid mistakes.

    Microtransactions: EA Sports FC is sure to have microtransactions, and it is possible that these will be pay-to-win. This could make it difficult for players who do not want to spend money on the game to compete with those who do.

    EA Sports FC Coins

    EA Sports FC Coins are the in-game currency of EA Sports FC. They can be used to purchase a variety of items, including players, packs, and consumables. Coins can be earned by playing the game, or they can be purchased with real money.

    Here are some of the things that you can buy with EA Sports FC Coins:

    Players: You can use coins to buy players from the transfer market. The price of a player will vary depending on their rating and their popularity.

    Packs: Packs are a great way to get new players for your team. You can buy packs with coins or with FIFA Points.

    Consumables: Consumables are items that can be used to improve your players or your team. For example, you can use coins to buy contracts, which extend the length of a player’s contract, or fitness cards, which increase a player’s fitness.

    Overall, EA Sports FC Coins are a valuable resource that can be used to improve your team. However, it is important to use them wisely. Do not spend all of your coins on one player, and do not buy packs unless you are sure that you can afford them.

    Mots-Clés : EA Sports FC

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